Tuesday, August 02, 2005

On the Assertion that I am Obsessed with Diminishing Christianity

The role of Christianity, to be properly understood, must be separated into several different levels. I am neither obsessed with diminishing its role on one level nor obsessed with exaggerating its role on another.

Christianity's moral precepts are superior insofar as they prescribe certain behaviors and proscribe others. Christ the moral philosopher is unparalleled as a benign force in human interaction, and all of mankind can thank Christian doctrine for the ultimate increase in decency and humanity that we see in the world.

But Christianity as an explanatory thesis just doesn't do it for me. Here is where I mentally diminish its role, not out of desire or ill-will, but out of skepticism. There is nothing in the Book that gives me the breadth and depth of understanding as does, say, quantum mechanics on the nature of the universe.

Nevertheless, at the bottom of reality there is still a nothingness, truepeer's indomitable mystery that cannot be explained away, so I remain open, even hopeful, that such mystery is truly our God, the first mover and the benign force behind it all. If so, there is still hope that death is more than it seems to be.

But that is all besides the point. Christianity is not about God the first mover, but God the protector, God the active player, God the omnipotent, and until a change is brought forth, either externally or internally, so that my skepticism is washed away by incontrovertible fact, I will continue to disregard Genesis and Luke as anything more than what they are: beneficial allegories.


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