Tuesday, August 16, 2005

On Marx and Islam

Marx, in the instance of Jihad, is only relevant as a filter for the cross-cultural translation of Islam's imperial ambitions, yet this is enough to make it dangerous. Salafist and Wahhabist fascism is given cover from close criticism because the Imams and Jihadis have adopted the Marxist posture of grievance-mongering and victimology to espouse their position, a move that plays to the sympathies of the Western intelligentsia and our faux elites. Instead of evil and xenophobic conquerors, they become just one more group with legitimate complaints and demands against the European white man. Their bellicosity is thereby excused by their authenticity.

It is true that Muslims steeped in this Western pathology are more prone to adopt the fighting revolutionary role found in The Communist Manifesto; yet this is so only because their indoctrination begins with a recognizable language. Soon the focus shifts from a redress of grievances to an empowering jihad against the infidel.

The driving force behind terrorism is and will continue to be Islam the religion, coupled with the Imperial desire for a global Caliphate. Western Muslims may begin their reeducation via Marx, but their goal is pure Wahhabist in practice: they want nothing less than the total submission of those who, by their lights, are unclean and unworthy in the eyes of God. Even, and maybe especially, the oppressed Western proletariat.


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