Saturday, September 10, 2005

Will Canada Formalize Shariah?

From Wretchard's Cat and Dog, which highlights the fight against Canada's acceptance of Shariah as a formal legal entity to arbitrate family law for Canadien Muslims:

NoSharia.Com has found a clever way to prevent their position from cascading through their whole ideological system, and escalating into a wholesale opposition to "political Islam" by generalizing their argument as opposition to all "faith based" types of arbitration.

The secular faith of the far Left is waging an asymmetrical war against the established ethos and institutions of the West. The decentralized deconstructionists have formed cells in universities and coffee shops, they are ubiquitous and self-sufficient, and when a weakness is exposed they swarm and terrorize with brazen fervor.

Contradictory cultures, so long as they play victim, are embraced as fellow travelers, but these same cultures are attacked when they parley with the enemy. Repression that originates outside of the West is authentic, so long as it occurs in impoverished enclaves. When it formally joins the machine, though, all hands on deck.

The presupposition of badness ascribed to faith-based institutions is a bullet meant only for Christianity, a shiny stone to bring down the largest of Western Goliaths. Islam does itself no favors by being noticed. If it weren't so impatient, who knows what spoils would await.


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