Thursday, August 04, 2005

Diplomatic Cover


If you think that the US government would turn down perfect diplomatic cover, I will not be able to tell you anything that will change your mind.

On our pacing, I too am sometimes impatient, but there are benefits in going slow, too.

The international fervor over Iraq has been quelled, which would not have happened had we gone immediately into Syria. Terrorism has been brought to the Arabs, instead of being an abstract, and the verdict is not looking too good for terrorism. Because we gave a chance for our narrative to catch up to our actions, and because so many people around the world finally believe we are doing what we have always said we would, even if they don't agree with it, any subsequent action on Syria will be viewed in the proper context. Iraq will stand with us shoulder to shoulder, and the world will nod or look the other way.

Working the political angle was slow and painful, but Lebanon is sure glad we did. Because of the January elections and the righteous anger over the murder of Hariri, Syria lost Lebanon and gained an enemy. Syria has long been labeled an international pariah, but now, even worse for them, they are seen as a weak and unstable pariah. Iran won't rush to defend them, Assad is boxed in and his regime is failing, and not since before Hafez Assad gained power in 1970 has Syria been so weak and vulnerable.

This may not have been the plan; in fact, it would be more than amazing if it was. But it is not all brown on this side of the fence.


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